For individuals seeking high-quality feeder animals at competitive prices, RodentPro.com, LLC, provides frozen mice, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens and quail. Feeder animals serve as food for a number of household pets, including lizards, birds of prey, and snakes. For many people, owning a pet snake represents a unique and exciting prospect. However, it is important to approach pet snake ownership as a serious commitment. 

Before purchasing anything, the potential pet owner should research the time and cost associated with feeding and maintaining a snake. Snakes require very specific types of food that may not be obtained easily at a local pet supply store. Snakes also require a temperature-controlled living environment created with specialized pieces of equipment, including a terrarium, secure lid, humidity gauge, hide box, lamp timer, water bowl, and thermometer. Though many snakes may seem inactive, they still need adequate space to move around, so their enclosure must be large enough for the particular species and size of the snake. Special attention must be paid to the shape of the enclosure as well, as some snakes need ample floor space and others require additional heighth. 

It is always a good idea to solicit advice from individuals with experience caring for snakes. In addition to pet stores, reptile shows present an ideal opportunity to learn more about owning a snake and various other aspects of reptile husbandry.  By RodentPro.

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